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Old 06-29-2007, 08:55 PM
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fishface fishface is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Surrey
Posts: 488
fishface is on a distinguished road

here's one for ya that i learned from Jack who alot of you also know that works at one the the lfs (credit where credit is due). so we got to talking about salt and one thing led to another, i mentioned that i was getting huge amounts of gunk in the bottom of my mixing bucket. not necessarily precip. but just plain ol dirty salt mix. so he mentions that he uses a quick-filter on the powerhead for his mixing bucket as he's experienced the same thing. it's funny cause alot of us use RO/DI but then we just add a bunch of "dirt" right back into our water before we put it back in our tanks as "clean/fresh" water.

so i thought this was a great idea and gave it a shot, result was...the most crystal clear cleanest water i've ever seen. not a mote of dirt on the bottom of the bucket and i'm ecstatic!! give it a try!
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