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Old 04-27-2007, 12:52 AM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
Posts: 1,605
Ruth is on a distinguished road

Oh the things that I have done. It's actually probably a miracle that I am still alive.
Had a filstar canister filter on my old 75g. and decided to do a water change and general cleaning right after I had my Sunday morning cup of Java. Still in my PJ's and bare feet I niftily completed the water change - cleaned the filter and replaced media - closed it back up - went and grabbed my cup of coffee - and fired it all back up. Did you know that if you don't check those retarded canister filters carefully to make sure that the large O ring is in place it can spray an amazing amount of salt water out onto the floor in an amazingly short period of time - we're talking seconds here? Did you also know that salt water is an excellent conductor of electricity? Things I now know - I can levitate - with a full cup of coffee - and scream a high pitched squeel just like a little girl.

Oh and another one - I was retrieving a coral in my 230g that had fallen to the very bottom in the middle under the center brace. This requires that I stand on a chair and to actually reach the coral I had to turn my body sideways to get the most possible reach. As I was making a quick stab for the coral my long spined urchin appeared out of no where and I rammed one spine right under my middle finger nail and about 3 others in various digets. Like any sane person I immediately removed my hand from the source of the pain very quickly at the same time taking a large step backwards........into thin air.

I could go on but you probably get the picture........some things are just better forgotten.
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