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Old 04-21-2007, 02:21 AM
Rippin Rippin is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
Posts: 209
Rippin is on a distinguished road

As with other algaes, isn't an over-abundance attributed to high phospates/excess nutrients? If that is the case a change may be needed on how you may be taking care of the aquarium.

I've had hair and green bubble algae outbreaks and thought of using fish/crabs/sea hares to "fix" the problem, but I opted to reduce my lighting time and increase my regular water changes. I also had to manually remove the algae weekly. It was a chore but now the aquarium is clean and the outbreaks have subsided. Taking care of the root of the problem would likely be the best route to take....but you know all of this already
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