Thread: Quarantine
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Old 03-23-2007, 03:26 AM
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Salinity Now Salinity Now is offline
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Everything that I buy goes into quarantine for a minimum of 6 weeks. Corals get a iodine dip and also a freshwater dip. Is it a pain? You bet it is. But, I havn't had any kind of disease or parasite infect either my fish or my coral yet, nor do I intend to. Man, with all the money I've spent on fish and coral, why wouldn't you want to quarantine? The cost of a quarantine setup is cheap compared to the cost of losing livestock and most importantly getting frustrated at a hobby that should be relaxing. So start a quarantine tank you'll thank yourself latter.

Well, did you set it up yet?
Come on, drop those cheetos, get off the computer and set one up.
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