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Old 12-16-2006, 04:33 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Coquitlam, BC
Posts: 2,172
BCOrchidGuy is on a distinguished road

At my worse I had just over 70 tanks going, I would come home from work say hi to my son, say hi to the wife and grab a sandwich and head to the fish room. Eight hours later I'd go to bed and wonder where everyone was... (in bed of course). Why the no more tanks? is it messy, my fish room was really well ogranized, so it never looked that big, friends thought it looked like a fish store and the fish club used it as a model for a top of the line fish room. Now I'm divorced (fish tanks had nothing to do with that). My girlfriend and I live in a townhouse and there just isn't room for 70 tanks. We are planning on converting the garage to a fish room in the spring but the number of tanks will be limited. She's very enthused about it and so am I. I had 15 gallon nano set up in my old apartment and she was happy to sit and watch for hours. I've pretty much talked her into a 60 gallon cube (30 gallon refugium on top and 20ish gallon sump underneath). We'll set that up in the living room and then after a few garage sales and a trip or two (or 5) to the dump we'll start the fish room in the garage.

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