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Old 12-04-2006, 09:07 PM
windeindoiel windeindoiel is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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Ok I've since done some specific research, and decided one fire shrimp will be fine, as they're territorial, and I'll just keep a little group of skunks in the 100 gallon.

This isn't my first salt tank, though I don't have a huge experience with those yet either, it's the first salt tank I'm setting up. We have a 100 gallon but that is someone else's tank, they can't keep it for a year or 2 so they moved it into our house, we've had it for 2 months or something like that now.

The anemone in question lives there now, but it isn't doing well and I thought if it was in a smaller tank it would be easier for me to keep an eye on it. And it wouldn't be able to run to the back of the tank under a rock where there's no light and I can't feed it, like it has now.

And my main reason for the nano is for horseshoe crabs, I really want to try taking care of them, and the tank will be set up with their special requirements in mind.

The tank is going in the kitchen I think, so it'll be easy to watch it.

Oh and I'm sure the sun polyps will be fine, they're low light.

Anyways, in my research of fish and inverts I discovered a clingfish, does anyone know about these? Could it live in a 29 gal too?

Last edited by windeindoiel; 12-04-2006 at 09:10 PM.
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