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Old 11-07-2002, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by andestang
as I asked before, where is a good LFS in this city or is it best to mail order only?
For some, MO is the only way to go - if you find an outfit that you trust, and is shipping only fit specimens (ask EmilyB).
For others here, a LOT of care is needed to select your fish. Unfortunately even after following "safe shopping" procedures, it's still a crap shoot. A healthy, eating fish may drop dead a week after you bring it home from organ failure (cyanide caught). Or from other problems...

As mentioned above, I once had good success intercepting exceptional fish as quickly as possible, before the LFS had a chance to harm them further. Rather than acclimate in their crappy, crowded systems I would get them home where I could dote on them.
That defeats the "watch them in the store for 3 weeks" rule of fish shopping, but typically the nice ones don't stay in the stores that long, and if they do they go downhill while there anyways.

So, try Seacare of J&L or be diligent with the local shops. There is a TON of good advice on the boards re: fish buying.

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