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Old 11-03-2006, 12:33 PM
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RicePaddy RicePaddy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: St. Albert, Alberta
Posts: 100
RicePaddy is on a distinguished road

I have only been in the salt water game for about three months. I purchased a 72 gal tank and have about 90 lbs of live rock, devil damsel, two clowns, yellow tank and a bubble tip. The costs have been enormous, however I am lucky enough to be able to support my hobby. Over the last three months I have learned alot from trial and error, reading, and posting on this very forum. Knowing what I know now, by set up would be alot different.

My suggestion for someone starting out is to start with a nano. This way you can get your feet wet and will be able to gauge the cost, do your research and still enjoy the sault water experience. Once our out grow the nano, you can transfer you new friends into a larger set up and use the old tank as a quarantine set.

I love the complexities of this hobby and the life that I am responsible for. They way the fish and inverts interact. And the "Wow what is that" expression when I find something new, good or bad.

This is just my opinion and is what I would have done if I was to do it all over again. However I am sure I would not have even listened to my advise. I mean, everyone wants a BIGGER tank. Must be a male thing.

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