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Old 09-29-2006, 12:03 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 546
midgetwaiter is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Delphinus
If I were to do it all again, I'd probably just go with a good 150W lamp, a decent reflector, and probably not even bother with a canopy.
This is exactly what I was trying to do, while I knew that the "10000k " Ushio would be more yellow than I really wanted I thought I could live with the comprimise of something with that CCT so I would have better PAR for the clam. I was really disapointed to find out the 10000k label was worthless but I suppose I really shouldn't have been surprised.

The Iwasaki 14k is an interesting idea, I do have a M57.

Originally Posted by WWWD
It wasnt the reflector I was showing it was a small pendant unit that has built in actinic mini builbs. Dude it's up to you, a retailer can probably talk you into anything they have to sell but in the end if you still don't have what you want then you wasted a lot of money.
The PFO pendant is a good suggestion but early on I decided not to buy something like that because of the issues Albert pointed out above. I should have mentioned that. Also, if you ever find yourself looking at similar systems take a look at the Aqua Medic stuff, much nicer IMO and a little bit cheaper.

I also appreciate you trying to keep from getting taken by a retailer but there are a couple things you don't know. I do occasionally buy a few things from the store Albert works in but I actually work for one of his competitors part time. He's offering his advice even though he knows it's only a 50/50 that he would end up selling any item to me, he's a good guy.

Anyway, back to the original issue I actually found something that makes a huge difference, I pulled the glass top off the tank. I knew that no matter how much I cleaned it I would loose some light to the glass but I never figured it would shift the colour that much. I suppose it makes sense, if it's going to block anything it will be the shorter wavelengths of the blue light. I better get off my arse and build that ATO system. I still have the glass cover on the pendant.

So new question: Have other people noticed a significant colour shift with / without a glass top? I made the top out of a chunk of scrap we had kicking around at the store, I don't think there is anything unusual about it. Maybe I will have to make one out of Starfire or acrylic if I decide I need it.

Oh and one other thing I should add, I am in no way annoyed with the guy that sold me the bulb, it is exactly what he said it was and it's my fault for not making sure it is exactly what I wanted in the first place.
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