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Old 09-26-2006, 10:50 PM
pinhead pinhead is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 104
pinhead is on a distinguished road

Don't bother with a dedicated GPS like the Garmin.

I picked up a an Ipaq PDA with bluetooth and a Holux Sirfstar GPS unit. I can use it for car navigation with Tomtom and download the topographical maps for hikes. The units like the Garmin are mainly for either car navigation or hiking and the maps are not the digitized Geological Survey topographical maps. Besides, with a PDA you can also listen to music, watch videos, play games or surf the internet from a wireless access point - so you don't need an Ipod or a gameboy.

The Holux GPS unit is much more sensitive than the others. I can get a signal in my basement where others have troubles just in forest cover.

GPS unit is about $100. Look for a used PDA or an open box at someplace like futureshop. I was able to get an incredible deal for an openbox PDA at futureshop for $50
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