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Old 06-28-2006, 06:30 PM
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Kabong Kabong is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Brentwood Bay B.C.
Posts: 453
Kabong is on a distinguished road

Coral banded shrimp are basically a scavenger / hunter they will get any leftover food and will try to eat live stuff if hungry enough,
So its good to keep him fed.

As for clean up crew I prefer the start smaller and add if needed method.
Go for some variety in it. Astra's, ceriths, and a turbo for algae.
Some Nassarius snails to keep the sand bed clean.
As for hermit's I personally like them,
But others cant stand them. The scarlets seem to be the best behaved.

depending on your skimmer and how dedicated you are to your water changes
You could probably go with either a couple more small fish. Or one larger one.
Going off full grown size Your clowns will grow about 4" for the female and 3" to 3 1/2" for the male.
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