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Old 06-23-2006, 05:07 PM
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Sushiman Sushiman is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Mission, B.C.
Posts: 325
Sushiman is on a distinguished road

I've liked a "layered" method to filter my aquariums; where several methods are used; overlapping for success. aggressive skimming, live rock & DSB, refugia, water changes, carbon & phosphate resins; I love using SeaChem's Purigen as it can be recharged easily many times before it becomes exhausted. I also run a 40W UV, & I'm a believer. I also include a good clean-up crew as part of the filtration equation; many folks focus on algae control with a clean -up crew, but I'm more concerned with left-overs from feeding time (look at what's in my tank! Pigs!), if everything is consumed, it doesn't have an opportunity to rot & foul everything & oh yes, become all that bloody nuisance algaes.
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