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Old 06-21-2006, 05:32 AM
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demon666 demon666 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: spruce grove
Posts: 263
demon666 is on a distinguished road

ya a hypo tang would not be recamended in a 30 gallon "dori" yes you are correct in nano= small

the sump remark refers to a type of filtration system where water from the display tank runs down into another tank "sump" where it gets filtered by a protein skimmer and such..... or also a refugeium with lr and ls and micro algea..... (skimmer a must on larger systems)

your 30 gallon tank would be ideal for a sump for your 55 when you change that to a reef tank

so when you buy you equipment for this tank (30) and you plan to upgrade to the 55 i sudgest buying equipment that will handel the 55 too... that way you can just swap your equip over to the bigger tank

you will also need to have an idea of the type of coral you will want to keep as they all have different lighting requirements........ metal hylide is the way too go you can keep anything you want with those....
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