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Old 06-21-2006, 05:20 AM
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MikeP MikeP is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary
Posts: 731
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Midknight, I'm in Calgary.

Sushiman thanks for the detail in your response. As far as what fish I plan to get I have to get a nemo and a dori for the kids, I think a clown will do well in my tank and as for as a 'dori' fish anything blue will probably be fine (the kids won't know the differance and I don't know what type of fish that is anyway). I'm thinking a blue damsel? Any fish I buy to start out will be $25 bucks or less until I'm more confident but I will make sure that anything I buy will get along with the other tankmates and also not end up being to big. I gather the name nano tank means anything on the small side? And what do you mean by sump for the 30gal? I was thinking if things go well I will convert my 55gal to salt in the future and in that case try out a reef.
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