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Old 06-21-2006, 04:29 AM
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Sushiman Sushiman is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Mission, B.C.
Posts: 325
Sushiman is on a distinguished road

Welcome aboard! Congrats on the leap into the salty-side. If you rinse your tools & equipment well I can't foresee any problems; you will find the vast majority of critters won't notice a thing. Yes, the salt mix you will be using for your FOWLR is different than the salt you are referring to.
Best advice other than research your purchases would be purchase quality equipment capable of handling your system (I personally like to use things rated for twice the actual set-up or more; manufacturers tend to exaggerate the capability of what they sell), if you have to save up for that better skimmer, high end lighting, etc, do it. You will end up spending more in the end when you buy cheap. That being said; don't be afraid to DIY! The web is loaded with aquaria diy.
Have a plan of where you want this aquarium to be and stick with it! Impulse buying will always haunt you later!
Aim that the inhabitants of your system THRIVE, not just survive.
What is your plan for your 30gal? Anything in particular you want to keep? Please keep in mind that 30gal makes a great sump & will be pretty size-limited unless you stock with smaller critters or special cases such as Anglers, etc.
Would make a GREAT nano-type reef.
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