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Old 06-13-2006, 12:45 AM
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howdy20012002 is on a distinguished road
Default re anemone

I have lots of anemones in my different tanks including one where i currently have around 10 in that i am growing them bigger to sell later on. Unfortunately I have had lots of incidents where they have gotten into a fight with a powerhead or a drain.
I must say if anything these things are amazingly tough
I had one lose every tentacle and yet a month later I sold it with 2 inch tentacles. You couldn't even tell that it was damaged a month earlier.
I had one that, after going through the grate(still not sure how this happened) surrounding the drain, I had to cut it out because its body was stuck into 3 different holes and I had no other options.
Out of that mess, i still have 1 piece that is now a full fledged anemone who is as happy as can be.
Needless to say, I now have a sponge, and 2 grate walls separating my anemones in that tank from the drain and a sponge in the strainer on the power head.
I would say don't give up on it and if you have somewhere out of the way that you can put it for now, i would try to let it make it.
If it looks rough and you think it is dead, smell it. trust me, you will know right away.
that is just my experience though, I am sure others will tell you different.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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