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Old 05-29-2006, 03:19 AM
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Default The DFAQ (Don't F'n Ask the Question) list.

Bored on a Sunday night: I bring you the list of dFAQ answers for new reefers.

What is your favourite brand of salt? Which one is best?
- yes, that is correct.
Do I really need those expensive lights?
- no, you can buy incremental upgrades at your leisure and expense.
How hot should I keep my tanks.
- yes, that is correct.
What should my SG be?
- Well, that's where you're wrong. You see, SG and Salinity are different things, and...
How many tangs can I keep in my tank.
- None. The standard formula for keeping tangs humanely is <yourtanksize * 3>
Are bristleworms good/bad?
- yes, that is correct.
Should I have a sandbed?
- YES, absolutely... um... no?... um... maybe?... NO, definitely not... um?
Are hermit crabs good?
- um... yes?... well... maybe?
Are any crabs reef-safe?
- No? Yes? What colour are their eyes?
Is this light bright enough?
- NO.
What about this one?
- No.
What should I test for?
- Nothing's more important than CA, I mean Alk, I mean MG, I mean No4... (what do you mean you're not a chemist?)
What is the best way to: <insert any question here>
- Just ask, we'll all help!

I welcome additions to my list of ignorance!


Last edited by Matt; 05-29-2006 at 03:22 AM.
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