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Old 03-19-2006, 06:14 PM
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steve-s steve-s is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Downtown Vancouver
Posts: 49
steve-s is on a distinguished road

Where on the fish's body are the spots localized and was the QT cycled before adding the fish? What are the QT water specs and is alk/Ph being monitored a few times daily? Was C. irritans prevalent when starting hypo or was it prophylactic?

If the spots have not changed in the time frame you noted, it could be Lymphocystis (an iridovirus) or a mild bacterial infection. Any sign of redness around the area or scales standing on end?

Lymphocystis will look "warty" in appearance on the body area while it could look cottony on fin areas. Kinda confusing as it will also resemble fin rot which is bacterial.

When you aquired the fish, it was most likely netted but was it easily captured or a challenge, possibley injured?

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