Thread: He bit me!!
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Old 03-05-2006, 06:34 PM
Myanth Myanth is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 119
Myanth is on a distinguished road

My false perc could take yours on. She chases my hand down wherever it is in the tank. Bites hard and has drawn blood a few times. I have three and the other guys just head for the anemone. The biggest one will always be female and any others will be male until the female dies and then the biggest male will turn female. And the female is in charge of protecting the colony.
Weird but true.

My wife had a good laugh on Thursday because I was hand feeding the fish and she grabbed my middle finger knuckle so hard that I pulled my hand out of the tank with a flailing fish still attatched. She came about six inches out of the water before she let go. Splashed my lights bad, but everything is alright.

Nothing scares her, I flick at her and miss every time. She goes for the fleshy part in between my fingers or for any cut or scab. Really mean. But she knows what the net is and all I have to do is hang it in the tank and she's in the anemone immediately.

It's funny if you're not the one trying to do work in the tank.

Have fun once they learn that they can scare you off.

This all started with a ten gallon and two clowns.
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