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Old 12-19-2005, 11:25 PM
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Sushiman Sushiman is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Mission, B.C.
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Sushiman is on a distinguished road
Default Whole new set up...

Hello all. Well it's been a few years since I made the original post so I thought an update is in order...My old set up was a fairly sucessful softie / LPS community tank. Budget was always my handicap & I never did upgrade to the quality of lighting that I would have really wanted. My solution was to stick to organisms that good do well under my meager PC set-up & the result was a great little tank that looked much fancier than it really was. I used multiple filtration systems & I found this aggresive approach served me very well & the critters i had tended to do quite well.
Alot has changed since then but my approach is still going to be the same.
I've just set up a 90gal display that is starting out as a predator FOWLR & will progress into a softie /filter-feeder set up as time goes by. Currently I have approx 50 # of Fiji + Tonga rock over a deep sand bed. I have specific critters in mind and have installed PVC tunnels for a moray & zip-tied much of the rock to PVC frame-work so it won't get knocked over. I've custom cut a thick panel of Lucite to prevent escapees & curious fingers ( I have three little boys). Since I have already got a Leaf Scorpion & a baby Volitan in there I thought it would be prudent. The whole thing is running skimmerless & main export is going to be provided by the refugium in the sump. It's an experiment more than anything else & I'll keep you all updated as the months go by.
The goal of this set up is pure drama! I am a sucker for a lionfish in full glory and the endless fun of having a moray should be experienced by everyone in this hobby at least once. That being said, the average FOWLR set-up tend to bore me to death so I'll be filling the tank with lot's of different inverts & really concentrating on nice aquascaping.
I hope that my "take your time & think it out approach" has helped a few of you. No matter what type of system you decide upon, plan it out and ask lot's of questions before you crack out that Visa card!
Luck to you all & Merry Christmas!