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Old 10-27-2005, 02:23 AM
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michika michika is offline
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Default BTAs; is this normal?

My anemone seems to be going through alot of changes, and I'm concerned about if they are normal, or if they are an indication of a larger more underlying problem. The tomato clown has grown alot; from about half an inch to just under 2 inches.

This first image is shortly after I first got it in November of 2004

This second image is about 6 months after it was first introduced. At this point the anemone had lost its bubble tips.

This is the anemone tonight, and unfortunatly the picture doesn't show the true color. The color is now white, with a neon-green tinge under my lights. Its also shrunken to half its size, and the bubble tips have returned.

Any thoughts as to what is happening?
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