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Old 07-06-2005, 04:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Beverly
Before buying seahorses, do a ton of research on them. Captive bred are much easier to feed than wild caught. WC will require live foods until you are able to train them to eat frozen, if they ever do eat frozen. Make sure your tank is well established with macroalgae for the seahorses to hitch onto. A feeding station is recommended. Low flow and low lights are also recommended, as well as is making it a species tank.

Two sites on seahorses:
Yah . . . I've had them before for a year and a half before I had to give them up (waaaaayyy back when they were $20 each and always available anywhere) . . . Gave them up coz I saw a reef tank and decided to convert! But now I finally have the space for two tanks so looking for a species tank (50 gal . . . maybe 2 seahorses and pipefish from JL) . . . how much are they going for nowadays??
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