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Old 03-20-2002, 08:56 PM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
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Default whare do I put my float valve?

ahh ok I see a bit of confusion due to my drawing LOL. ok the hight for thebakkels is not se yet :D the sump tank is a 33gal tank. (I was planning on picking your brains on sump design at the meeting) I was thinking that it should go in the last chamber my self also bu then I also was wondering if I should run the water level higher then the baffels or let the baffels determan the running water hight? when I set up the tank I plan on filling everthing to a working level with the pump off, then adding water to the sump till I get my hight I want to have as a max when the power goes out. then I will start the system up. I was thinking ofhaving the water level about 12" deep in the sump when everything is running.

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