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Old 06-03-2005, 07:18 AM
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Tarolisol Tarolisol is offline
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Originally Posted by Doug
Originally Posted by Tarolisol
Threats of legal action, thats rediculus. Its called free speach. This forum is becoming severly censored.
I disagree with that. I have seen it happen on other boards. The worse problem is, I, for one am not a lawyer. I dont know where the boundry is crossed, regardless of what some aquarists think is free speech.

Its me, as a staff member and Titus, as the boards owner, whose arse is on the line. I do this moderating crap, to try help out the board, as an aquarium information board, not to be a referee in these matters. Esp. where I dont know where the line is. Thats the worse problem.

Perhaps if someone else, that has a law degree and can handle these matters when they arise, they would be better as a moderator and I can step down.

My experience and skill, is in the keeping of reef aquariums. Period.
I for one welcome anyone to try and sue me for my words Ive said on this board or any other part of my life, You can not be sued unless you are promoting hate, as in racial not commercial.

That being said i really have had no use for the Vender ratings i barly ever ventured into that forum let alone posted. But my earlier statment stands. This is getting quite censored. It may be due to a few people stiring the pot but maybe we should deal with the individual people and not lock every topic opened.

Back in the good ole days