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Old 10-05-2002, 09:06 PM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Bob I is on a distinguished road
Default Sebae going giant...

Your BTA looks good Bob. Looks like messy hair day. Is there a powerhead pointing at it?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The powerhead is at the other end of the tank, but it is fairly powerful. It is funny, but the light is off for part of the day, and there is a window about five feet away from the side of the tank. The anemone always moves to utilise that light. When the tank lights come on again it moves back. BTW the lighting on that tank is still with 1.5+ year old bulbs, I still have yours ready to go. :D

[ 05 October 2002, 17:08: Message edited by: Bob Ipema ]
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