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Old 03-04-2005, 03:22 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 866
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Sorry to hear about the foxface. The stress of the dip is usually to much for the fish to handle when they are sick. Sorry to hear about your loss.

So the nasty velvet & ich fight now hey. I HATE velvet and ich is definitely a pain but seems to tag along with Velvet at same time, not uncomon. Especially if you bought the fish from B.A's here in Edmonton.

If you need any help, let me happy to help. As I read every article I could find about Velvet and tried every Cure All product out there. P.S they don't cure. The ONLY thing is copper treatment and keeping it at the same levels for a period of a month. Make sure to test levels. IMO, I found coppersafe to be easy to monitor and WAY more stable.

What copper are you using? Cupramine or Coppersafe?

Btw, Velvet is light sensitive. Keeps lights off or low on tank. Helps to not spread faster until you full dose with copper.
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