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Old 01-26-2022, 10:03 PM
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Default As per WarDog

Current pricing for Trigger Pods are

8oz - $25
17.5oz - $45

Though because I'm unable to remove or edit this post, I must say that this is a temporary price and this is has become more of an opportunity to ship product that is priced cheaper, is a larger bottle, denser than in stores, offers the whole life cycle from eggs to adults rather than just adults, and gain the experience shipping through a variety of ways. Hoping that I can find a price that will sell out consistently and make it convenient for people to get.

With everyone's feedback I'm hoping to be able to offer a quality product that can be shipped reliably to your door for a reasonable price across the array of products.

Luckily, pods are resilient and shouldn't need to undergo the expensive shipping that comes with live fish and coral.

Shipments will be going out on Mondays to optimize the chances that they won't be stranded over the weekend.

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