Thread: The choice
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Old 08-16-2021, 01:18 AM
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Dearth Dearth is offline
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Dearth is on a distinguished road

Well my tank was well on its way back to recovery and then I ended up neglecting my tank due to working a ton of overtime and having a mild case of depression(let’s hear it for side effects of heart attacks life long depression) and I had my first good look at my tank a couple of days ago and it has left me wondering if I should start fresh, get out of the hobby or bite the bucket and upgrade my tank to a newer model(this one is almost 15 years old).

While my tank isn’t crashing there is a serious case of algae and patches of cyano and just general neglect. I am however in a position now where overtime is no longer an issue and I can start looking at options to revive my system and let me tell you it’s a very daunting task and somewhat scary as well.

Should be an interesting couple of weeks anyway as I decide the future of my tank and hobby.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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