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Old 08-01-2020, 03:56 AM
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Dearth Dearth is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Prince George
Posts: 1,296
Dearth is on a distinguished road

Thank you all for the words and support.

I early on decided that I would go against conventional thinking and post pictures of my tank whether it be in full bloom or after a partial tank crash to show the other side of the hobby not everything is rosy and perfect. I wanted new people to the hobby to understand the realities of the hobby. I also knew I would take flak but I also have received support throughout the years as well because I am not afraid to show the other of the hobby that so many are scared of.

For whatever reason my POTM set off the critics and I was really surprised at how vicious some of the posts were across several platforms.

I will keep charging on though I just had a moment of weakness a few days ago.

Again thank you all.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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