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Old 07-01-2020, 03:19 AM
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eternitybc eternitybc is offline
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Originally Posted by Piscez View Post
Wow already a roller coaster and the tank hasn't arrived!! Good for you man perusing your passion and an understanding wife LOL. I see you used PoCo building supplies! We must be near neighbours I"m in Citadel heights, best of luck going forward.
Thanks! I'm over in Port Moody so not too far away.

Time to start thinking about the fish room, I have been putting it off for a while. Here is the basic layout I have so far:

So the idea is the Frag tank and Refugium will overflow into the main sump. If I have enough flow I will tee off the return line otherwise it will be a separate pump. Sadly I'm dealing with 16' of head pressure back to the display.

I will run the RODI unit into the top of the Salt container and the RO Tank, each having there own solenoids and float valves. I may even plumb a drain at the top of each tank too in case they fail.

The RO Tank will be used for top off to the sump and quarantine tanks.

I liked the idea of having lots of quarantine tanks, but I haven't decided yet how I'm going to plumb them. Part of me wants to add drain holes to the sewer on each and a filling pipe from the sump so I can easily empty the quarantine and refill it with tank water.

I have all the tanks except the four 20G quarantines. Here is the beast for salt water:

Any ideas are welcome as I haven't fully committed to this yet.
125 gallon 6', 33 gallon sump \ refugium
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