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Old 06-03-2020, 08:16 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Kelowna, BC
Posts: 288
Llorgon is on a distinguished road

Alright, been awhile since I posted an update. Work has kept me crazy busy!

Tank is doing alright? Not great, but not terrible.

For the most part the corals are doing well. I have 2 heads of my frogspawn that are looking very pale and not really opening up. The rest of them are big and happy though.

My one cyphastrea is dying. I'm not sure why. The other one in the same area as it has been growing. I have tried moving it around, but no luck with it so far.

Also been having troubles with my duncan. For the last month or so it hasn't been opening up. Just closed up one day and hasn't really been open since. I have tried to up my feeding of the corals more, but so far that hasn't helped.

Still fighting gha. If I keep up with my daily brushing of the rocks it seems to say in check somewhat, but I was away for the long weekend and I am still trying to catch up from that.

Still dosing vodka. Dosing 0.7ml/day. It's been working well to keep nutrients low although I think it needs to be lower since I still have lots of gha growing. I did pick up a bottle of waste away and did my test half dose last night. Hoping that can help things out.

I am low on CUC, which is probably at least part of the problem. Unfortunately there isn't anything available locally and nothing is shipping.

How does everyone manage nutrients? I feel I am really doing a poor job of it. I have filter socks that I change out weekly and do a 5 gallon water change every weekly and 10 gallon water change and sand vacuum every 2-3 weeks.
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