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Old 05-31-2020, 09:08 PM
LifeIsGreat LifeIsGreat is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Moose Jaw
Posts: 102
LifeIsGreat is on a distinguished road

Hard to tell from the pics, but those aren't diatoms, it is the same cyano and hair algae mix as what's on the rocks, and that was there before the sand was put in. I've read read numerous sources and studies on all sides of the silica/aragonite/calcium carbonate fence, all saying one is better than the other. Some people even dose silica for its benefits. From what I've read, the silica sand is unable to dissolve at the PH levels of sea water, and therefor cannot become a food source for diatoms. Also, my glass is silica based so unless I go acrylic there will always be silica in my tank. As it stands, the fish are perfectly healthy. We'll see how it goes in the long term, I'll post the results of whatever happens.
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