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Old 11-06-2019, 07:09 PM
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bauder1986 bauder1986 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB...find the earie glow of the T5 lights coming from a house lol
Posts: 439
bauder1986 is on a distinguished road

Alright details time for those that like them.

75 Gallon Rimless with a 35 Gallon sump that has 3 sections. Drain/Temp probe and PH probe. Skimmer and GFO/Carbon Reactor in the middle with much more room for future developments. and lastly a return pump section.
Water goes from tank to sump via a ESHOPPS HOB overflow. I put an air hose to go from the overflow siphon tube to the sump pump to insure that the overflow will re-establish siphon in the event of a power failure. Also added a 8 inch long tube to the drain in the box to allow for quieter drain.

I decided to stick with 50lbs of LR for this build to allow for lots of swim and viewing space. There is no substrate ATM because I want to make sure that the LR is seated on the glass firmly and cycled prior to adding argonite.

The 2 AI sols are controlled via a Apex VDM module. Programmed to match the sunrise/sunset/Moon Phases times of whatever reef apex uses for that model. Also programmed a random storm here and there at night and random cloud cover through out the day. Mainly because I like having shiny things like that. Also programmed a high temp auto off for lights and in tank fans to help control high heat. Shouldn't be a worry really but I want to be careful.

Using a Bubble Magnus whateverthemodelnumberis for this setup. Definitely reminding me why I hate dialing in skimmers. The Octopus DC pump is running at a dialed down 1200ish GPH(Speed Setting 4) to the tank.

In tank I have 3 other fans. Fluvals I believe. None the less throw all the fans and the return together and I have ball park 5200 GPH of flow.

Im planning to go Softies and LPS and Clams for a reef. I love SPS but I don't feel like creating a nutrient free system. So I shall stick with the wiggly stuff. As for fish, we shall see what the tank needs. I know the wife will want many sorts of shiny fish for her to name and such. But I am going to keep it restricted to what the reef needs to create a nice symbiotic balance.

I will be seeding the tank with Aquavitro Seed Bacteria. Im in Red Deer so my options are limited. In the future Ill be creating a very simple dosing system to make sure everything is peachy.

The wiring is a mess but will clean up as time goes on. I'm just enjoying the fact that I have a glow in the house and can hear running water again.

Current Parameters that matter:

Temp: 77.5
PH: 8.32
Salinity: 1.026
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