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Old 10-18-2019, 04:00 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Kelowna, BC
Posts: 288
Llorgon is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Keep an eye on your NO2 for the next month just 'cause. Testing every couple days doesn't take much time. Remember, higher levels can starve your inhabitants of O2.

Many corals don't ship well, and being in a bucket together is not the best environment. They will 'fight' with each other, and the resulting coral warfare results in many deaths.
Corals are best shipped in separate bags. Losses can be minimized by dipping after shipping and follow the same rules as if you were to receive them new; acclimate over a couple/few hours.

If you have any left that look like they are worth saving, try dipping them in some TLF Coral ReVive.

The ones that are just growing algae should be tossed now.

My tank leak back in 2016 caused me to place 4 years of 75g growth into 2 x 26L tubs. The upset corals proceeded to kill each other overnight with excretions. I lost almost everything that night.
I was devistated to see the loss, and the smell was overwhelming

You'll recover.
Let the tank stabilize for a couple months, then slowly start adding stuff again.

Don't rush it. You've just moved in and I'm sure you can entertain yourself with other stuff

Keep the tank clean of algae, clean the sand/siphon with WCs, clean the glass, turkey baste the rocks weekly to help with the cycle/regular maintenance. If you use socks, change them weekly after blowing off your rock.
Couple/3 months and you'll be ready to start over.

Still testing water every couple of days. So far things are holding at 0. I will wait another week and a bit and then slowly do a small feeding in the morning and one at night.

I actually put all the corals in ziplock bags with some water and then floated them in the bucket with some water to avoid all the "fighting" The water in the bucket was heated by a heat pack taped to the side of the bucket. Not sure how well that worked though.

I do still have a few corals. I have my frogspawn, 2 mushrooms and 2 acans. The toadstool might still pull through. The largest acan I think isn't going to make it. I can see more skeleton every day. Not sure why it was hit so much harder than the smaller ones. The frogspawn I am just having a hard time getting it to open up like it was in the 75 gallon. I tried moving it to a lower flow area last night. Will see how it does the next few days.

I do have some revive so I will give that a try.

Been cleaning filter socks twice a week while in that mini cycle and I do a 5 gallon water change once a week.

The worst part is in 6 months I have to do this all over again. But at least it's only a 25 min move and not a 5 hour move!
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