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Old 06-16-2019, 04:19 PM
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kwirky is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Animal-Chin View Post
Anyway, just some thoughts from an ex reefer trying to figure out if he made the right decision. Hope you're all well and still love your tanks.
A reef tank is quite a commitment so taking down one's reef is quite a big decision, practically a lifestyle decision. It sounds like you're coping with change which isn't a bad thing. You can come and go from the hobby with ease and you shouldn't feel responsible to people more than your immediate family so it seems like you're doing what your heart desires, which is good.

If it makes you feel any better, I left the aquarium hobby entirely around 2009, and it was actually a relief to look after some other things in my life for a period. The hiatus lasted about 6 years, and when I got back into the hobby I had matured in my outlook on time and money put in vs reward. I spend less money on the hobby, make fewer changes, and have healthier livestock and more free time as a result. It took the break to make that change.

Whether you get back into it or not, feel good about the change you've made and how things will be going forward. Good luck!
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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