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Old 10-11-2018, 05:22 AM
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Frogger Frogger is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Burnaby
Posts: 515
Frogger is on a distinguished road

Ideally when you purchase a new fish you quarantine them for at least 4 weeks. It is during this time that you provide a range of foods for the fish to eat without the competition of other fish eating all the food before the new fish has even realized what happened. New wild caught fish often do not even recognize the food we feed as food.

A quarantine tank really does not have to be much, a ten gallon tank with a sponge filter will do.

You only need to set it up when you get a new fish you can run the sponge filter in the sump of your main tank when you are not quarantining new fish.

You may get away without quarantining your fish but it is like playing Russian Roulette you won't get away with it forever and once you have lost over a thousand dollars worth of fish because you didn't quarantine you will quickly understand its importance.
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