I recently graduated high school and I'm leaving to Japan for 2 months and I need someone to take care of the Livestock in my Cube tank.
There is not a lot of livestock and rock, just a few mushrooms, some zoas, 2 anenomes a leather coral and a small gonipora. There are 2 fish, a damsel and a clownfish that host the anenome as well as some snails and hermit crabs.
I've had the tank for around 2 years now and It does not have any aiptasia or worms of any kind.
Everything I have fits into a 5g bucket and I would use that to bring it to your home. I would prefer to pay you after I come back but if you have a good profile and reputation on the forums I could pay you beforehand as well.
I can supply all the salt, additives, food etc for the 2 months so please send me a PM on how much you would charge for taking care of my livestock for 2 months.
I'd like to come back to see everything healthy but you won't be held responsible if anything does happen to die.
If there is a better website or thread on this forum to look for something like this please redirect me!
If you PM me your number I can text or call you as well