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Old 05-25-2018, 09:57 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Kelowna, BC
Posts: 288
Llorgon is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Frogger View Post
Cyno is a bacteria, revive (non-selective) kills/stresses only some members of the animal kingdom. Only a bactericide (non selective) kills bacteria (chemicals are only a last resort). All tanks have cyno, it usually only rears its ugly head when things are not right.

Young tanks have a tendency to go through algae, diatom, cyno and often dyno outbreaks. Unfortunately strong lighting in a young tank on bare rocks compounds the problem. The best answer for the problem is patience, don't rush it, good maintenance practices, water movement and reduce lighting if possible.

Most algae can be controlled by putting your tank inhabitants to work, or only adding tank inhabitants that will work for you. Everything needs to have a job.
For the most part good bacteria control bad bacteria. Look at ways of increasing the biodiversity of your tank and encouraging the good bacteria/algae to grow.

It's hard not to rush sometimes. I know everyone says go slow, but it's difficult to do.

I didn't know cyno was a bacteria. Makes sense the revive didn't have any effect on it then.

My tank is pretty new and going through an algae bloom. I have been slowly adding more clean up crew each week. I'm up to 5 trochus snails and 2 cerith snails. I wil probably go pick up an astrea snail or two and maybe a few hermit crabs. Any recommendations on some must have clean up crew members?

I did order some Copepods and Rotifers from copepods canada. Hopefully that will help in adding a bit of biodiversity to the tank. Have any recommendations on other must have critters to help with the biodiversity.

I do have a refugium area in the sump and I could add some cheato to that if I can find some. That should help a bit with the algae as well I think. I should make better use of that area since I only have some live rock rubble and sand in it.

Also the corals I got from you, frogger are doing well... I think. The pocillopora seems to really enjoy my tank and the frogspawn is open all the time. Still waiting for the other acroporas to start to colour up.
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