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Old 05-18-2018, 08:16 PM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Leduc
Posts: 475
blacknife is on a distinguished road

been lurking forever but no updates. so.. tank had one hickup early summer last year.. corals rebounded... started having minor hickups before christmass, updated peices here and there.. including ading a neptune atk instead of just replacing my float valves on my jbj or moving them to my apex.
think i bought that back on thanksgiving.

have had nothing but ato related failures since then.. a few different ones.. but now down to either just repeatedly failed sensors/defective sensor port

most of my sps are dead.. i had a few barely hanging on a few weeks ago.. but i moved one of my power heads it blew some sand around and over a few days all my remaining newer sps rtn/stn.. guessing the ole disturb the sand and screw your tank syndrome.. i am down to a couple ancient monties barely hanging on. have not tested sh@#$ all through most of the mess.. i know whats wrong most of the time.

not getting rid of the tank but.. almost that frustrated.

fish are supposed to be to make the corals nice looking not be the only thing to look at but for now ill be fowlr+ whatever left.
also going to slowly suck out the sanded.. leaving a very shallow layer in with whatever rubble is in there.

currently running the top off outlet on a timer and relying on the float valve. but things are staying stable that way instead of ... drying out the return chamber.. burning out pumps.. and having the tank go empty like it was before...
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