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Old 04-18-2018, 02:01 AM
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
Staying on the T5 bandwagon will continue to get increasingly costly & tube selection more difficult to source. If you have deep pockets & don't mind adding spent tubes containing traces of mercury to the landfill every 6 months or so, carry on.

Do you have light hungry coral on the bottom of your deep tank? Yes, I reckon you're overthinking that aspect....
That has been my exact thinking on the T5s and while initially the up front cost is relatively palatable but the long term costs and getting rid of old lights are becoming more of a concern. Also because I live in the north it is a cost to get everything shipped here and there are times I envy the big cities ability for convenience.

LEDs on the other hand are tough to justify the upfront cost and can be a tough pill to swallow but you get what you pay for too. At the same time I am more and more drawn to them but worry that I will burn my coral high up to get light to my coral down low and because my knowledge of LED is limited I am left with a spinning head

Decisions decisions
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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