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Old 03-03-2018, 04:56 AM
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Cujo#31 Cujo#31 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 204
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Oh man...if you wanna strike up a heated debate, you found the topic. FWIW, I prefer T5 ATI as the bulb of choice but honestly, lighting is as much a personal choice as the Corals you chose to keep. Every tank is different, everyone has a different opinion. T5 is a trued and true if you grow SPS, Halides as well and they add that shimmer so many find appealing but also add a ton of heat, power consumption and high priced bulb replacement. Tried LED, I’m not part of that camp. The real important considerations are water column height, and desired PAR ratings. That will often limit your options right oqut of the gate.
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