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Old 01-18-2018, 11:57 PM
geforce geforce is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2017
Location: sarnia
Posts: 9
geforce is on a distinguished road

Been using this 2 weeks ago, 2 doses so far. It really does work! My Bryposis that was growing on 3 new pc's of dry rock that started a bloom after 2 months is completely gone after those 2 doses. So far im convinced this stuff really works! Also some turf algae that was growing on some of the liverock ive had in here for some time, has also started reseeding back.

Waiting for bubble algae to take a hit next....tomorrow il be dosing the 3rd dose
as it will be week 3 for me.

If you haven't already grab some of this stuff its amazing, but be sure to do water changes as I heard others had cyano outbreaks, also do not overdose!!

Patience it will work just takes time for the bacteria to overpopulate the bad stuff in your water that's feeding problematic algae!

Also everytime ive dosed ive also added some NOPOX on the lowest dosage possible for my tank for that product, was thinking the vibrant could maybe release some nitrates from the dying algae. So just to be sure I added NOPOX to compensate.

So far so good! if you haven't yet. BUY THIS!!
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