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Old 11-06-2017, 10:58 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
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Location: Saskatoon, SK.
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Originally Posted by smokinreefer View Post
That sucks!

I'm a big fan of angels...
Have kept dwarves...
Was planning on keeping an emperor from juvenile onwards...

Curious, what size and type of angel?
What's size and type of reef?
Feeding schedule?

Too bad for those pieces, but I'm thinking you won't give up on angels!
I had a Flame in my 90-gallon SPS tank, and it bit all the Acros. It didn't do any visible damage though.

The one this damage was the one in your avatar - Multibar Angelfish. He's about 2.5". Reef is SPS-dominant 70-gallons. Angelfish didn't touch the few LPS or odd Zoas. He didn't eat any fish food - not even live clams or live blackworms.

I gave him to a client and he's in a 8' FOWLR now, and a week in he started eating fish food. What a jerk.

Oh I give up on Angels. I was thinking of trying another Multibar, but this one cost me about $1500 in Acros (that pic only shows half the damage), so maybe I'm done with Angels.

Originally Posted by corpusse View Post
I've never had a centropyge but had good luck with Genicanthus in the past. The masked swallowtails I kept were 100% reef safe (for me).
My tank isn't big enough for Genicanthus. Indeed they are totally reef-safe in my experience. They don't look like Angelfish though...doesn't satisfy the Angel craving.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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