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Old 09-29-2017, 07:33 PM
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KPG007 KPG007 is offline
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Location: Surrey, BC
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Originally Posted by Moogled View Post
Neat! Why the low success rate and if they make it to maturity, how long until they grow to the size of the ones in the photos?
I don't know why the low success rate. Maybe bad tank conditions, predators or not enough of the right food. When they are little they move around a lot, so one day they are here, next day over there. Because of that, it's easy to loose them.
As for growth, I got most of them about the size of a quarter and it took about 6 - 12 months for them to grow to adult size. Females can get as big as the palm of your hand, where males are about half that.

I've had these guys for about 3 years now.
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