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Old 07-07-2017, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by JamRobo View Post
Hey shift. Ive brought over corals multiple times now, the main thing is everything you bring accross has to be for "your tank" not anyone elses, not for re sale... for your own personal use. Ive had no issues bringing anything accross, fish and inverts are also fine....
One thing i do recommend and will save you from hours of cbsa reaserching to make sure its admissable is to go on

Use the drop downs to narrow the search down to fish and invertabres. I dont exactly remember what selections get you to the fish and coral but its there. Once you reach the last drop down option it will either say approved or denied. Print that page and bring it with you and they can use the shortcut code and it will bring it right up on their computers!

Just remember..... its for YOUR OWN TANK!

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

This is POOR advice and you are rolling the dice each time you bring back a CITIES required coral over the border. Without the proper paperwork it is smuggling which can lead to huge fines and jail time.

Just because you got away with it doesn't make it legal. CITIES are required to legally import CITIES restricted species into the country that is the LAW.
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