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Old 05-31-2017, 11:41 PM
corallivore corallivore is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Port Coqutilam, BC
Posts: 79
corallivore is on a distinguished road

If you are ceasar milan, you can keep any dog, no matter how dangerous they can be.

His statements that a pit bull are no more likely to attack than any other dog is not backed up by statistics.

Regardless, the point isn't that they are more likely to attack, the point is that when they do, the consequences are far more severe than with most other breeds.

See reports of Chihuahua attacks above, for example.

And since you can't trust humans to be the kind of owner certain dogs require, banning makes sense because of people being shitty owners and advocates spreading this message that they are all great family dogs that were bred to be nanny's...which is factually untrue. They were bred to fight and kill and withstand significant pain once in the red zone.

Here is a quote from Ceasars Website

"But it’s also important for me to help educate people who own pit bulls about their dogs. Pit bulls combine the speed and determination of the terrier side of their ancestry with the strength of the bulldog side.

It is the Terrier determination that causes problems if they fight, because they’ll be oblivious to pain and just refuse to quit. As responsible owners, we should make sure to redirect those traits in healthy ways."

So people who probably shouldn't own any dogs get a pitty or bully of some sort and then someone or some poor pet dies a horrible, horrible death.

Not everyone is Ceasar Milan.

if they were, we wouldn't need to ban anything.
Red Sea Minimum

Last edited by corallivore; 05-31-2017 at 11:47 PM.
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