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Old 04-26-2017, 01:27 AM
st0rmtr000pa st0rmtr000pa is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Surrey
Posts: 32
st0rmtr000pa is on a distinguished road

After speaking with the manufacturer once more he is says the seams will not come apart and the tank will not need to be resealed. After finding out this new info I decided to sell the tank for a more apporpritae vavlue due to it not havong to be repaired. I trust this tank builder as many go through him for custom tanks!

120 Gallon Starfire Rimless Tank (Concept Built)- $500
External Overflow
3 Sides Starfire (Back and bottom are regular glass)
3 1" Drains
2 - 1" Returns
$500 Worth of Schedule 80 Plumbing Included

70 Gallon Sump - $150
4 Chambers
1 - 7 inch Filter Sock
Skimmer, Reactor Chamber
Fuge or ATO Chamber
Return Pump Chamber

Metal Stand
60Lx24Wx30H - $200
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