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Old 04-25-2017, 05:17 PM
st0rmtr000pa st0rmtr000pa is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Surrey
Posts: 32
st0rmtr000pa is on a distinguished road

1 - Yellow Tang $30
1 - White Cheeked Tang $30
1 - Clowfish Free
Cleanup Crew (Snails, Shrimps, Hermits) Paid $150 for all - $70
2 - Zoa Colonies (not sure the type they are. They are orange) $20 each
1 - Torch $20
Wiiling to sell all of the livestock minus the liverock for a $100!
150 Pounds of Live Rock - $3/lb

125 Gallon Starfire Rimless Tank (Concept Built)- SOLD
Front seals are being stressed due to the stand that was made for the tank is twisted. Also has two small scratches on the front panel that can be buffed out. Tank still holds water and does not leak!
External Overflow
3 Sides Starfire (Back and bottom are regular glass)
3 1" Drains
2 - 1" Returns
$500 Worth of Schedule 80 Plumbing Included

70 Gallon Sump - SOLD
4 Chambers
1 - 7 inch Filter Sock
Skimmer, Reactor Chamber
Fuge or ATO Chamber
Return Pump Chamber

Vertex Omega 180i Skimmer $450
Vertex Zeovit 3.0L Reactor $150
2 - Vertex Rx-U 1.5L $80 ea
Vertex RX6 Duo Calcium Reactor SOLD
48" 8 Bulb Tek Light (Bulbs are included and are less than a month old (5- Atinic+, 2- AquaBlue+, 1 Purple Plus)) - $300
Tunze 3155 ATO System $200

Gauging Interest
Apex Classic w/
EB8 8 Outlet Power Bar $600
1 - PH Probe w/ Calibration Fluid
PM2 Module + salinity probe w/ Calibration Fluid SOLD
AFS Auto Fish System $90
ALD Module w/ Leak Detection Probe $75
(Wlling to trade whole set for Profilux 4)
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