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Old 04-07-2017, 05:33 AM
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Frogger Frogger is offline
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From what I had read on the internet the Flourish Nitrogen contains KNO3 and Urea. I wanted to use a source, Pure KNO3, where I could control the exact amount of Nitrate I wanted and really didn't want to add urea.

My tank has been at between .5 to .75ppm NO3 and phosphates are steady at .02ppm. I have been adding 35mls per day of the mixture and it appears to be working. The colours are beginning to look better. However the calcium uptake has gone through the roof and I have had to triple my calcium additions. I am assuming that growth was limited by the very low nitrates and now that they are there growth has kicked in. Too early to measure effectiveness.

I am still using GFO. I will stop using GFO if my phosphates drop too low.

I might still go higher with my nitrates although I really want to take this slow. I will probably keep my nitrates at around 1 for a few weeks and see what happens before I will go higher.
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