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Old 04-04-2017, 03:26 AM
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Frogger Frogger is offline
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Originally Posted by tang daddy View Post
I have about 25 fish and feed 3-5x per day dirty food like pei mysis plus coral food so definately a lot of feeding.
The heavy feeding is why you have enough nitrates to keep the colours in your corals but not enough to control your phosphates.

I have always been a light feeder of my fish, as there is enough going on in the tank to keep them healthy. My only concern with adding a lot of food is I would be adding more phosphate and would not achieve that balance. That is why I am now adding the KNO3 and amino acids (which are all nitrates) and not adding phosphates.

Still no nitrates measurable in my system. I will go to 10mls 3 times a day plus daily amino acid additions.
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